Louisville Basketball: April 8, 2013 – IT HAPPENED!!!


The night of April 8, 2013 was one of the greatest nights in Louisville basketball history. No matter what anyone says, it happened.

April 8, 2013… No matter what, it happened. It is still on every calendar I look at. The NCAA does not govern the world wide calendar  association. The Year of The Cardinal was a certified #good #tyme but at times hard to revisit.

I remember so vividly the day the scandal broke. My family was on our way up to our annual weekend at Lake Rudolph and I told my wife this could be really bad if true. Well, it turned out to be true BUT the Montrezl Big East Championship, the Kevin Ware, the Tim ‘Wichita St” Henderson, and the MOP Luke Hancock four 3’s National Title game happening is also true.

My wife and I attended the Sweet 16 game against Oregon. The arena was a buzz with the infamous World Wide Wes being kicked out in front of thousands of Louisville fans. I will never forget the couple that sat in front of us, who did their best Louisville fan impersonation, not getting to their seats until half time because of their tickets being fake. 

After Louisville knocked off Oregon, the elite 8 was next against Duke, The game for a trip to the Final Four was on Easter Sunday. Indy was Louisville North. We saw Deon Branch and his Bentley posted up outside the garage we parked in. Cards fans just overflowed from restaurants and bars.  The entire atmosphere was unlike anything I had ever been apart of. I knew how lucky I was to be there with two of my sons, my brother, and cousin.

When Kevin went down we had no idea what happened at first. He closed out on a jump shot and just did not get up. Then Chane went down at half court and other players fell to the ground crying. We had to get online on our phones just to figure out what was going on.  The most emotional game of basketball I had ever witnessed and C-A-R-D-S chants all along the walk back to our car after the win was something none of us will ever forget.

Louisville basketball, 2013 NCAA Championship
Louisville basketball, 2013 NCAA Championship /

I refused to watch these games anywhere other that my living room if I could not be there in person. I was a nervous wreck hours leading up to tip off. I was on the verge of a break down before the four Luke 3’s and the Siva to Trez alley-oop. The game was over, the Cards were Champions, and I was running around my front yard like a wild man. I stayed up nearly all night watching the celebration on TV.

A National Championship to me always seemed so far off for Louisville from the end of the legendary Crum era up to the Pitino era. Louisville did not land one and done recruits like Duke, Arizona, and the school down the road. While I was alive but only 6 years old for the 1986 title I was starting to think maybe I would not see another one in my lifetime. This 2013 team was so very special to have them now tainted with scandal breaks my heart.

Now when I hear mention of the 2013 team my mind immediately goes to scandal, hookers, Rick knew, and now lawsuit. I am a  big The People’s Court guy so I knew who Morgan & Morgan was as soon as this lawsuit story broke that several former champion Cards would be looking to do the impossible again by bringing a case against the NCAA.

I wanted the school to fight more for the wins, the banner, the fans, and most importantly for the players from that 2013 team. A piece of me just like others in the fan base are  just tired of the story. That night, which seems like a distant memory at times, happened and at times it seems like it’s Louisville against the world. 

I am thrilled with the new look Louisville from President Bendapudi to Coach Mack. I wanted Coach Mack as soon as the 2013 scandal story broke and I thought there was a chance Rick would not survive it.

While I  try not to be overly optimistic about what the outcome of this lawsuit, I am glad someone is taking the NCAA to task. I want the wins and the banner back as much as the next guy but most of all I want my good tyme memories of the 2013 National Championship memories to be first and foremost in my mind.

dark. Next. Crystal Ball Trending Louisville Basketball’s Way for 4 Star Recruit