Peyton Siva & Montrezl Harrell to Return to Louisville for TBT Tournament

The TBT Tournament is coming back to The Ville

The Ville  s Peyton Siva brings the ball up the court against Gutter Cats in The Basketball
The Ville s Peyton Siva brings the ball up the court against Gutter Cats in The Basketball | Scott Utterback/Courier Journal / USA

The the current Louisville men's basketball team may be struggling mightily these past 2 seasons, but something we can count on is some great basketball being played this summer, as Louisville alumni will be returning to play in the TBT tournament.

The Ville will play games inside Freedom Hall once again for the 2nd year in a row, and some famous Cardinal alumni will be joining them. Peyton Siva and Montrezl Harrell will officially be apart of team in July, and some other famous names will likely join them.

Louisville will be playing in Freedom Hall from July 19th thought the 24th, and if it is anything like last year's team it should be entertaining to watch these classic Louisville players wear the red and white once again.

Join the waitlist for the TBT Tournament for Louisville tickets here: