Did John Calipari just call out Chris Mack?
There’s a lot to process regarding coaching feud between Louisville basketball head coach Chris Mack and Kentucky coach John Calipari.
Last week, we saw Mack clap back at Cal and Kentucky with a perfectly executed airing of dirty laundry regarding Kentucky’s ridiculous scheduling requests.
Calipari simply tweeted “See you December 26th. Can’t wait!”
As soft and watered down of a response as that was, you had to know that deep down inside Calipari was not done. He had to have the last word.
On Wednesday night, Cal posted a video encouraging fans to make their voice heard and go vote.
I hope I can have everyone’s attention. There are some important things we need to talk about and I know some of you have been waiting for me to say something ... pic.twitter.com/aUOUNWHAjR
— John Calipari (@UKCoachCalipari) October 7, 2020
Nothing wrong with that message. As many coaches have done during an important election year, they are encouraging citizens to exercise their right to vote. Awesome.
However, there’s more to the story. A perceptive viewer- the Courier-Journal’s Jon Hale- decided to take a closer look at the fast forwarded portion of the video, slowing it down do 1/4 speed and, well…
Welp, slowed down that Calipari video from last night. This is what the sped up part sounds like at 1/4 speed.
— Jon Hale (@JonHale_HL) October 8, 2020
"Scheduling, the guy down west, he's nuts, he's out of his mind." pic.twitter.com/AH8emc9zWd
“Let’s start with this,” says Calipari, pointing at a piece of paper, presumably with a schedule on it. “How ‘bout these guys? How ‘bout this guy here? In the finals… Are you… what? Yeah, it is crazy right now. Scheduling? The guy down west, he’s nuts. He’s out of his mind.”
A lot to unpack here. Who was Calipari referring to “down west”?
Is Calipari an Easter egg-gifting genius, or was this unintentional? You be the judge.